#Flashbackfriday, Adventure, YA

#FlashbackFriday – Enid Blyton


Hi lovelies! *waves*

This month I thought I would try out a new blog segment called #flashbackfridays where I will post every friday about a book or book series I loved growing up with. This week I chose the author Enid Blyton who was my first YA introduction to the literary world.


The Famous Five series was a series by Blyton that was a hand me down from my uncle (who is only 10 years older than me). I remember feeling so grown up as I read them all by myself and I loved that there were these kids a little older than me going on these epic adventures. The famous five consisted of Julian, Dick, Anne, George (Georgina) and Timmy the dog. When they weren’t at their boarding schools (what is it with YA fiction involving boarding schools that sound like so much fun?), they were off searching for lost treasure or solving crimes.

I remember at the time thinking this is how older kids live – no rules, no boredom, just finding treasure and solving crimes that stupid adults aren’t smart enough to solve. Now as one of those stupid adults I think, how come all these kids were so unsupervised and what in the hell were their parents doing?

I think it’s great for kids to have these kinds of fantasy stories and I hope people never stop writing for young adults. I used to love bedtime because it meant that I could curl up under my blankets in my bunk bed and read until mum would come in and tell me to go to sleep. I would then promptly switch on my dad’s torch that I had stolen from the garage and would read until I couldn’t keep my eyes open (or until I finished the book). It probably explains why I love to go to bed so early as an adult and read in peace.

Have you ever read any of Enid Blyton’s books? What was the first book you loved to read?


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